Monday, February 14, 2011

Words that aren't

Is frumpled a word? If not, it should be.

I have an image of wrinkled, unkempt, dowdy, unpolished all wrapped neatly into a compact two syllables. Far better than frumpy because it says so much more. Why use just one paltry word when you can merge two?

In the list of words that haven’t yet made it into their proper linguistic respectability, I could suggest a couple of others. My mother used to insist someone was flustrated, thereby neatly combining frustrated and flustered. Usually, I was both by the time we had a conversation requiring that word.

And perhaps we could introduce parsinickety, someone who is both parsimonious and persnickety, a fussy miser. I know plenty of those.

It's called mincing words, I guess.  It could be a lot of fun.  Do you have others?